Programming for the net

tilflfigBlocks NFT on opensea


Hi. I'm Jens. For more than 20 years I had my own company (tekstur.dk) doing a lot of different programming related projects - consultancy, contracting, front- and backend development, architect, CTO in various startups, system integrations, websites, shops, banners(!), apps, platforms and tools. In short, building stuff for the net. Since early 2022 I basically closed down tekstur and have been working as senior software engineer (crypto lead) at januar.com focussing on java backend (spring boot) and in particular crypto payments and infrastructure, a domain I'm particularly enthusiastic about.


Java, Bitcoin, Lightning network, Fireblocks, Wallet infrastructure, Blockchain, Custody services, FinTech, Domain Driven Design, Test Driven Design, LND, J2EE, JSP, PHP, Spring boot, Responsive HTML5, CSS, Javascript, Nodejs, AWS, Relational databases, JPA, JDBC, Docker, Maven, Graddle, NFTs, Game development, Banking, Wordpress, Webshops, Payment Systems, Woocommerce, Learning tests, Webcampaigns, Integrations, CMS, Fullstack, SaaS, Programming, Architecture and Design, Green field, Consulting, Web development, Streaming services, Intranet, Ios / Android apps, Apache, Tomcat, MySQL, PostgreSQL.


Jens Gertsen
Copenhagen, DK
+45 2537 1210 - gertsen@tekstur.dk